The Greatest 3 Steps To A Better Life

    Have you ever concerned about the lack of substance in your life? You are here, trying to improve your lifestyle, realising there is a solution for anything, trying to find it. So far it is perfect! 

    Now, you have to close your eyes for a second. Imagine yourself as a tree. Each leaf of many is a trait of yours. Of course, there are withered ones. Those are your flaws. Once your old leaves fall off, you achieved a new stage of development: letting inconsistencies go away, to embrace your green leaves. Trees resist in time by changing theirs. They constantly improve themselves, knowing which part of them should they drift apart from. 

    This is not about trees. 

    You have to reflect on yourself, to understand what weakens you. It can be a toxic friend who drowns all your energy, an unhealthy relationship with food or, simply, the routine. You are the only one who can figure out what it is. 

    So far, I said generalities. It's time for specifications. 

    We can consider 3 steps for you to better acknowledge what can be improved:

    1. Drive your own life

    As simple as it sounds, it is not at all. 
    We are always surrounded by people who influence our emotions and beliefs. Sometimes, they are so persuasive that we don't even realise how much we are changing for them. 
    It can be good. Surrounding yourself with wise, successful, kind-hearted people it's nothing but a good source of motivation to achieve your goals. Actually, it is a cliché, everyone knows that. Not many acknowledge it. 
    Keep in mind who you trust. You will inevitably adopt their perspectives. 

    Now, you can say, what does it have to do with my "own" life? 
    Well, constantly changing to please others or, simply, to understand their points of view, can lead to losing your identity. You have to filter by your own which are your beliefs and which, maybe, aren't. It isn't easy, you have to think more deeply than it seems.

    2. Expand your comfort zone

    This is about what keeps you at a normal state of stress and what doesn't. 
    Comfort is often a source of calmness, of inner peace
    My grandma used to have a saying: "what is too much, it messes up". She was referring to food - especially sweets -, but you can extrapolate its sense.
    Therefore, this comfort zone isn't always a source of inner peace. Being constant, too much, it can provide monotony, stagnation in development.
    You can't achieve something greater than you have done with the same amount of effort you have had then. 

    You can begin with trying new things - from changing the well-known path to your home, to tasting completely new types of food, of clothing. Keep it simple at first!
    As time passes by, you can expand it even more - however, don't forget: "what is too much, it messes up".  
    You can overcome your fears, socialize with new groups of people - anything that keeps you at a healthy, higher amount of stress.

    3. Adopt a winning mentality

    You are still here, wondering how to improve your life. This is a great sign you are clever enough to understand the gravity of thoughts. Why? Thoughts are the ones that admit improvement in your life. Anything else is just a confirmation

    "How would you receive a confirmation for something if you don't even achieve that?" - "How would you receive love, friends, as well as the material things you want, if you don't even achieve the proper mentality for them?", the same situation. 
    A champion, at first, is defined by his mentality during the game, not by a confirmation. The confirmation - the rewards - comes after his fight. Never before! Be a champion of this fight named life - adopt a winning menatlity!

    Start by appreciating your core values and work on them. Do you know them? What are you the best at? Don't be humble.

    If you keep in mind this powerful and simple 3 steps each day, soon you will get ready for the continuation of the series. Go check it out!
    Cordially, wish you all the best!

